What does a Somatic Therapy look like?

  1. First, we have a chat about what has been going on for you and I will answers any questions you may have while we build rapport between us

  2. I make sure you are well resourced for the session by creating a space of support you may already feel within your body, or alternatives are to use a significant memory or a perfect imagined place. This is using by using the breath and gentle meditative practices to create a beautiful sense of support for you in and around your body, creating a container that feels grounded enough to invite in the parts of you that you have split off from

  3. We invite in the trigger or the disturbance you would like to explore

  4. We discern the emotion you are feeling

  5. We find the origins of the emotional imprint

  6. We gently work with the body, using somatic techniques that tap into the felt sense of your body in the moment, allowing your thoughts, images and sensations to arise, as we explore what is happening for you using curiosity, compassion and non-judgement.

  7. We come to a place of resolution and completion

  8. We finish the session by ensuring you are feeling supported and resourced in the body, and that your nervous system is well regulated, giving thanks to the wisdom of all you have experienced through the felt sense of being the whole of you.


What is Somatic Therapy and How Can It Help You to Heal?